Planning Perspectives

A look at life and finance from every angle.

From personal to professional, from family to financial, there are many facets to your life. Yet, each is interconnected. Planning Perspectives is a source of ideas and information to help you make the most of them all, all together.


Set New Goals in Summer

June 18, 2019 Education, Goals, Life Events, Planning Well

With several financial deadlines behind you, take time this summer to review your progress, set new goals and tie up loose ends. Tally up any recent life changes that may affect your estate plan, and adjust it as necessary. Evaluate your benefits and insurance.

Summer 2019 Market Closures

Monday, August 5: Civic Holiday
Monday, September 2: Labour Day

Planning To-Do’s

Update your estate plan: Ensure that it protects you and your family in the case of an unexpected event. Be sure to check the beneficiaries of your RRSPs, insurance policies, trusts and any other accounts, and update any information that may no longer be relevant.

Review your benefits: Research your company’s benefits and open enrollment schedule, and decide whether you need to make changes.

Review insurance needs: Periodically review and update coverage to ensure proper protection.

Address life changes: Speak with your advisor about any major changes that have occurred – marriages, births, deaths, divorces, a sudden windfall, etc. – and how they could affect your financial plan.