Planning Perspectives

A look at life and finance from every angle.

From personal to professional, from family to financial, there are many facets to your life. Yet, each is interconnected. Planning Perspectives is a source of ideas and information to help you make the most of them all, all together.


An Organized New Year

January 10, 2018 Goals, Lifestyle, Living Well, Planning Well

Consider getting organized this winter by decluttering and updating your financial plan.

Still trying to think of a New Year’s resolution? Consider organizing, decluttering and updating your financial plan. To start, going paperless, embracing online file sharing and organizing your tax documents from the beginning can help you avoid frantic filing. Review these market closure dates and timely tips to start the new year off on an organized note.

Planning To-Do’s

Get organized: Sign up to view your accounts online and go paperless to reduce clutter. Additionally, consider organizing your personal and financial documents by uploading them to a file sharing or content management platform.

Rev up your retirement: Confirm that employer retirement plan contributions take advantage of any available employer match. Maximize RSP contributions early in the year so they will have more time to generate tax-deferred gains; you have until March 1, 2017 to do so for the previous year. Ask your advisor about catch-up contributions.

Optimize tax-free savings: Review your contribution levels in your TSFA to take full advantage based on your family’s needs – without exceeding applicable limits.

Face the future: Have major new expenses that must be planned for in advance? Conduct a cash flow and liquidity analysis for the coming year to garner essential information. Additionally, prioritize how you’ll apply available savings, perhaps by paying down high-interest debt, building or maintaining an emergency fund, or increasing retirement savings.

Bolster benefits: Research your company’s open enrollment schedule and decide whether you need to make changes to your benefits.

Avoid frenzied filing: Keep your tax documents organized as they arrive so you’re prepared when it’s time to file. Talk to your advisor about coordinating with your tax professional to ensure everything is in order.